
Touch is very much a participation sport and the Ireland Touch Association (ITA).  The participation pathway commences with the initial contact between either a person or club with the ITA   To this end, the ITA has a number of strategies to grow touch participation.  Through these initiatives the game will grow through more affiliated (member) touch clubs.  These strategies include but not restricted to:

  1. Planning an introductory touch session

  2. Membership engagement

  3. Club engagement

  4. Community engagement

  5. Digit marketing and communication

  6. Membership

    a.   Become a member

    b.    Member application form

Planning an introductory touch session

If you are considering starting a new touch club or starting a touch section in a rugby club the ITA can help with this.  Touch is a game for all and for life, so you can play the game from 6 to 60+ either socially or competitively.  We encourage participants to find their own level that reflects their own needs.  Contact us and we will put you in contact with one of our development officers.

See the planning guidelines to run a touch introduction session document to help you get started.

Membership engagement

Our members receive a monthly newsletters to keep them up to date with announcements, upcoming events and all matters related to touch, both domestically and internationally for juniors, seniors, men and women.

Club engagement

Community engagement

Digital marketing and communication


Membership of the ITA is at the club level, individuals are associate members through their club.

Currently there are 11 affiliated clubs with new clubs  joining each year.