Referees are the cornerstone of touch rugby in Ireland. Referees allow us to play the game that we love and keep us playing to the highest of standards. Ireland Touch are consistently looking for new referees to join our team of referees, whether you are a current or former touch player, a current or former rugby union / league referee or have never refereed before, we would love you to reach out to us.
Refereeing touch rugby is a great way to stay fit and become part of the friendly touch rugby community which is growing rapidly.
Ireland Touch offer regular Referee Courses so you can become a better referee and advance up the referee levels. The Head of Referees for Ireland Touch is Isabelle Tierney.
Touch Europe has a five level referee accreditation system and can be obtained by attending and passing the referee course for that level and an on-field assessment.
The latest edition of the touch rugby rule book can be downloaded below.
Level 1
Level 1 is an introductory course and is open to everyone including touch players or new people to the sport. Once you complete the course and on-field assessment you will obtain your level 1 badge.

Level 2
Level 2 is an intermediate course for touch referees with the requirement of holding a level 1 badge before being allowed to complete the course. Completion of the course and an on-field assessment at a sufficiently high touch tournament must be completed and approved by an accredited referee coach before obtaining the level 2 badge.

Level 3

Level 4 and 5